Tuesday, December 31, 2013


New Years Eve Blog Hop Welcome to the first Annual Smile Somebody Loves You New Years Eve Blog Hop!

This is our first time hosting a blog hop and we are so thrilled with the participation! We started SSLY in 2013, so what better way to kick off the New Year then with a new adventure! We have almost 50 participating blogs, some giving away some awesome prizes. Please visit everyone and meet these wonderful women and men. They are terrific and you may find a new "favorite" author among them!

Grand prize, which will be chosen from the rafflecopter at the bottom of the page will include: a $150.00 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card (winners choice) SSLY Key Chain, a signed copy of Bohemian Grove by T.M. Williams, an E-book of Maverick Touch: The Cat by Ashley Nemer, e-book Scorned (LeKrista Scott, Vampire Hunted) by Tyffani Clark Kemp, paperback copy of Summertime by Christina Cole, a signed copy of Mail Order Brides of the West by Dedra Holland and an awesome prize, a 30 minute tarot card reading via Skype or telephone by author Shauna Aura Knight!

* * *

  At the cusp of the New Year, most people often make resolutions and wish for things like world peace, lots of money, health, or new love interest. Let’s face it. While men, oozing with testosterone run the world, you can forget about world peace. And, unless you marry a wealthy guy or find the Fountain of Youth, those things are as attainable as a ride to Jupiter.

 However, having said all that, because I’m a writer, I see things differently. Tucked neatly in the recesses of my mind is the proverbial “what if?” question. When it’s activated, all possibilities are unleashed. That’s when I enter into Candyland. In Candyland, I create characters who can become rich or find an everlasting love. The kind of world they live in depends upon me. I can give them everything I dream about, but cannot obtain myself. Sometimes the line separating fact from fiction can get obscured. In anger, I once told my husband I wished he could be more like Peter, my hero in Autumn Leaves, a book I’d written under my other pen name, Candace Gold. His reply was: “So rewrite me.” If only it were that easy.

The world can use a little rewriting, if you ask me. World peace has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? I want all children everywhere to grow up without want or worry.

Seriously, though, I want to thank all my readers for their support and promised to give them the best my feverish mind can churn out for 2014. I wish everyone a safe and healthy New Year.

And one lucky person will get a trade copy of Candy Caine's, THE RECONSTRUCTION OF CARLA MILLHOUSE and one will get an ebook copy of Candy's latest, BECAUSE OF YOU just for stopping by and leaving a comment...what you want for 2014. 

Ready for more "Smile Somebody Loves You" blog posts and your chance to win? Stop by the awesome blogs below!

Smile Somebody Loves You
Tonya Renee Callahan
Madison Sevier
Tricia Anderson
Cate Masters
Tabitha Shay
Paula Millhouse
Hunter S Jones
Magella Troche
Tory Richards
Deena Remiel
Evelise Archer
Ashley Nemer
Roxy Wilson
Inner Goddess Forum
Literal Hotties
TM Williams
Jayn Wilde
Victoria Pinder
Eden Connor
Elise VanCise
Andrea R Cooper
Adriana Kraft
Leigh Ellwood
Lisa Carlise
Andrea Cooper
Sherry Gloag
Natasza Waters
Flossie Benton Rogers
Kathryn Beyerle Lively
Sugar and Spice Reviews
Jeanine McAdam
Morgan Wyatt
Naomi Bellini
AJ Williams
Lyncee Shillard
Beth Barany
Candy Caine’s Corner
Shauna Aura Knight
Anne Easley
Fiona McGeir
Donna Michaels
Tiffany Clark
Brenda’s Book Beat
Reading by the book
Tuere’s not so
Random Thoughts
Flossie Benton Rogers
Stephanie Kepke Kaplan
Debora Dennis
Samantha Holt
Heidi Sieverding

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

happy new year

Unknown said...

Love meeting new authors and can't wait to read your books! I would love to rewrite some things in my life too!

Candy Caine said...

Kim, I love to meet new readers. Their feedback is so important to me. I love when people leave reviews on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. It enables me to give my readers more of what they want.

And if you have the desire to write, you should. Then when you're published, I can read your books. By the way, I also write under the name, Candace Gold.
Have a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Candy Caine said...

Same to you Deb, from your favorite SNA.

Koala Reading Den said...

Happy New Year and thanks for the hop and giveaway. Koala571 (at) msn (dot) com

Candy Caine said...

You're welcome. Thanks for stopping by and joining. Glad you could come!

Candy Caine said...

Kathy, please email me at candycainestories@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I want 2014 to be substantially better than 2013. I'm hoping that's not too much to ask. michelle_willms(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Candy Caine said...

Don't we all. Thanks, for stopping by. I appreciate it. I would like to send you one of my stories. Let me know if you have a Kindle, iPad, Nook or some kind of MP3 device.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all the best for 2014, Candy! Great post!

Candy Caine said...

Thanks, Steph. I liked yours, too.
Forgot to comment, my bad.

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