Monday, January 20, 2014


Today I have the pleasure of having my fantastic writer buddy, the Queen of Novellas, Debora Dennis!

Thank's Candy for having me visit today and be part of this blog hop!

I'm Debora Dennis, a native New Yorker and have been an avid romance reader since I first discovered Barbara Cartland on the shelves of my Junior High library.  Since discovering romance novels a parade of characters and plots have been marching through my head on a regular basis. Now, many years later, with a supportive husband and family I'm finally free to indulge my fantasy and let all those characters out of my head and onto pages of their own. I don't believe in sticking to one genre and my stories stretch from spicy time travels to lighthearted contemporaries.    Always the optimist and firm believer in love conquers all, every story I write celebrates romance. I can usually be found writing at my computer early in the mornings or late at night with a mug of coffee and a bag of Lindt chocolate truffles keeping me sane.

What are you working on?

I usually have more than one project going at time and right now, I'm working on two. The first is book 2 in my holiday novella series, Cupcakes & Cupid and the second is the first in my Gold Rush time travel series, Surrender to the Sheriff.

Why do you write what you do?

I write time travels because I enjoy going to different places and times and even more importantly, because I feel it's always the right time to fall in love – even if you have travel through time to find it! I also write fun-lighhearted contemporary romance, because it just feels good to write and read.

How does your writing process work?

Fun question! An idea hits me and pings around in the brain for a bit. Characters, scenes and settings take shape and then I take out the plot board and all my post-it notes. I do some plotting and then jump in with both feet. I usually don't hit my stride until three chapters in. My writing routine lately has been to write my new words in the morning – I aim to be at the keyboard between 6 and 7 every morning. I work during the day and after dinner, I sit down and edit the morning words, adding and tweaking as I go along. It's a process that works for me.

Thanks again for having me here today!


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